Frequently Asked Questions

Whitelabel Fileservice

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Whitelabel Fileservice Platform

Chiptuning Reseller does not make tuningfiles themselves. We offer a Whitelabel Fileservice Platform, for which professional chiptuning companies can use it to sell their own tuning files.


Basically; with our system, you do not need to send emails back and forth anymore, no need to make manual invoices or other time-consuming tasks. Your workday will be much more efficient, and you can spend more time on making the perfect tuning files.


If you want tuning files also, we recommend our partner ECU Files for this. We do not know the prices they ask for individual resellers, so you need to negotiate with them separately to make arrangements regarding prices.

Our Whitelabel Fileservice Platforms consists of the following prices:
  • Setup fee: € 500 or € 1250
  • The premium version includes a fully customized customer login portal
  • Your own database and file storage
  • Premium includes own mail templates
  • Email setup (we use Mailjet services)
  • Your own backend management system
  • If you don’t need a fully customised portal, the setup fee is only € 500 – This will only include your own logo in your portal and standard email templates (with your business name in it of course)
  • Monthly fees starting at € 75 per month
  • These prices do not include tuning files, as we do NOT make tuning files! Ask our partner ECUFiles for their prices.
  • Flat-rate unlimited use fee is possible if you do a large amount of files
Please also see the image on the bottom with our Business Model explanation.

We can also help you build a dedicated chiptuning website. We build this in WordPress. We do offer hosting, but this depends on your location and preferences. After we have set up your website, you can of course edit it yourself afterward.


Costs for building a website is always custom, so just ask us and we’ll inform you

We first send you a form that you need to enter with all the details that we will use for your own Whitelabel Platform. After you have entered this, we will use that information to setup your portal. This usually takes 2 to 3 weeks – depending on the response of yourself.

We offer an EVC connection when you provide your EVC authorization data. With this, you can also sell EVC credits to your customers.

We can also connect to your Dropbox account with an API key so all files will automatically be uploaded to your Dropbox also. We keep a copy of your files and keep it for minimum of one month just in case something goes wrong.

If you have EVC WinOLS, we can help setting up an automatic fileservice that works for you 24/7. You will need a special WinOLS subscription, and we will install WinOLS on our virtual server which will be only be used for your filesystem only. The costs for a virtual server are € 100 per month. The per-file-price is € 1.

We offer the following notification options;

  • Browser (standard)
  • Email (standard)
  • SMS (via Plivo)

If you have a Plivo subscription, you can also send your customers SMS messages when any update occurs.
Your customers can set their own preferences regarding notifications.